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Dijon Burgers

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Adjust Servings:
1 lb lean ground beef
2 tablespoons dijon mustard
2 tablespoons fresh thyme, minced
2 teaspoons white wine
1/2 medium red onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced

Nutritional information

105 g
Calories From Fat
11.7 g
Total Fat
4.6 g
Saturated Fat
73.7 mg
161 mg
2.5 g
0.7 g
Dietary Fiber
0.7 g
23.3 g
Serving Size

Dijon Burgers


    Hi there. If make this in advance and refrigerate, will it create even more flavor? Thank you. Looks great!

    • 40 min
    • Serves 4




    Dijon Burgers, Just a simple burger for a simple weeknight meal Goes will with spicy-style fries , Hi there If make this in advance and refrigerate, will it create even more flavor? Thank you Looks great!, A rich, tasty burger Will definitely make these again Served with cajun spiced fries I forgot the thyme, but will definitely use it next time (but perhaps not the full amount)

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    Combine All Ingredients and Gently Work Into Beef (easiest Using Wet Hands).


    Gently Shape Beef Into Patties.


    Bake on Stovetop or Grill to Desired Degree of Doneness.

    Danielle Lopez

    Taco extraordinaire with a passion for creating bold and flavorful fillings.

    used yellow rather than white 'cause that's what I had. But my tweak is to use muffin shapes and pour about 1/3 high
    No-Flour Cornbread
    This is such a quick and easy dinner to put together. I didn't have whole chiles so used chopped green chilis which made them pretty tough to roll up and then dredge in the flour. The flavor was out of this world though so I will be making these again using the whole chilis as stated in the recipe. This recipe is also really easy to reduce or multiply for a crowd!This is such a quick and easy dinner to put together. I didn't have whole chiles so used chopped green chilis which made them pretty tough to roll up and then dredge in the flour. The flavor was out of this world though so I will be making these again using the whole chilis as stated in the recipe. This recipe is also really easy to reduce or multiply for a crowd!
    Chicken Kiva
    used yellow rather than white 'cause that's what I had. But my tweak is to use muffin shapes and pour about 1/3 high
    No-Flour Cornbread
    This is such a quick and easy dinner to put together. I didn't have whole chiles so used chopped green chilis which made them pretty tough to roll up and then dredge in the flour. The flavor was out of this world though so I will be making these again using the whole chilis as stated in the recipe. This recipe is also really easy to reduce or multiply for a crowd!This is such a quick and easy dinner to put together. I didn't have whole chiles so used chopped green chilis which made them pretty tough to roll up and then dredge in the flour. The flavor was out of this world though so I will be making these again using the whole chilis as stated in the recipe. This recipe is also really easy to reduce or multiply for a crowd!
    Chicken Kiva

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